Even though Spain and Sweden are at opposite ends of Europe, 我们对欧洲和世界的未来有着相似的看法.

乐博彩票官方app和西班牙正在共同努力,在布鲁塞尔和其他多边论坛的政策讨论中推动其中一些优先事项. In parallel, 我们两国的商业界更加融合,从而加强了我们的政治联系和商业关系.

在西班牙乐博彩票官方app上有大约2万家外国公司,其中大约600家是乐博彩票官方app公司. 乐博彩票官方app商界的积极参与对于塑造乐博彩票官方app公司如何看待西班牙乐博彩票官方app的代表性形象至关重要.

对大多数在西班牙接受调查的乐博彩票官方app公司来说,2022年是盈利的一年. 在接受调查的公司中,近四分之三(74%)的公司报告称,2022年将实现盈利, similar to prior years surveyed.

The short-term outlook, more specifically in the coming 12 months, indicates optimism, where 76 per cent of respondents are expecting an increase in turnover, a slight increase from last year’s 74 per cent.

The “Swedish brand” is increasing in importance. Sweden has, in general, a very good reputation in Spain, and this aspect does, to some extent, contribute to the success of Swedish companies in the market. Compared to last year’s survey, 今年,表示“乐博彩票官方app品牌”对其在西班牙业务贡献巨大的企业数量大幅增加(从20%增至31%).




在西班牙乐博彩票官方app上的大约600家乐博彩票官方app公司中,有近180家接受了调查, 主要问题是这些公司如何看待西班牙的商业环境.

Moreover, 调查的目的是跟踪在西班牙乐博彩票官方app运营的乐博彩票官方app公司如何体验乐博彩票官方app状况, the economic situation today and the outlook for the near future. Of the companies surveyed, 62 responded, which was conducted in March-April of 2022, thus yielding a response rate of around 30 per cent.

